List of Publications

  • Biraghi, C.A., Mauri, T., Mazzucchelli, M.C., Sala, E., Tadi, M., Masera, G. (2022). Urban Morphology, Environmental Performance and Energy Use: Holistic Transformation of Porto di Mare as Eco-District Via IMM. In: Piselli, C., Altan, H., Balaban, O., Kremer, P. (eds) Innovating Strategies and Solutions for Urban Performance and Regeneration. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham. 7_11

  • Biraghi, C. A., Lenzi, E., Matera, M., Tadi, M., & Tanca, L. (2022). SiMBA: Systematic Clustering- Based Methodology to Support Built Environment Analysis. SEBD 2022: The 30th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, June 19-22, 2022, Tirrenia (PI), Italy. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (

  • Tadi, M., Biraghi, C.A., Ogut, O., (2021). Smart city, dall’efficienza energetica dei sistemi alla stabilità del sistema; in: Le Smart Cities al tempo della resilienza. G. F.Ferrari (a cura di) Mimesis Edizione, Milano (Italia), ISBN 9788857584904.

  • Tadi, M. Tamiru Tesfaye, S., (2021) Smart without slums, in Quelimane (Mozambique) in: African Cities Magazine 2nd Edition. AIN (Africa Innovation Network). magazine

  • Ogut O., Mohammad H. Zadeh, Tadi M. (2020). Measuring the Influence of Functional Proximity on Environmental Urban Performance via Integrated Modification Methodology: Four Study Cases in Milan. In: International Science Index. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. ISSN.1307-6892

  • Masera G., Tadi M., Mohammad H. Zadeh, (2020). Environmental Performances and Social Inclusion for Rocinha. “TERRITORIO” 90/2019, pp. 84-93, DOI:10.3280/TR2019- management in a slum in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). DETRITUS – Multidisciplinary journal for Waste Resources and Residues.  ISSN: 2611-4135 DOI 10.31025/2611-4135/2020.13900 improvement-of-solid-waste-management-in-a-slum-in-rio-de-janeiro-(brazil)/281#Gabriele

  • Masera G., Tadi M., Biraghi M., Hadi Mohammad Z., (2020) PolimiparaRocinha: Environmental Performances and Social Inclusion, A Project for the Favela Rocinha. In: Della Torre S., CattaneoS., Lenzi C., Zanelli A. (eds) Regeneration of the Built Environment from a Circular Economy Perspective. Research for Development. Springer, Cham Print ISBN978-3-030-33255-6, Online ISBN978-3-030-33256-3

  • Gabriele Masera, Massimo Tadi (a cura di) (2020). Environmental Performance and Social Inclusion in Informal Settlements. A Favela Project Based on the IMM Integrated Modification Methodology. Di G. Masera, M.Tadi. RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-44351-1, ISSN: 2198-7300, doi:

  • Becciu G., Mambretti S., Sanfilippo U, Tadi M. (2019). Management of water and wastewater under the framework of the IMM: the case of the Favela Rocinha. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Volume 15 (2020), Issue 1. (ISSN: 1743-7601 (paper format), ISSN: 1743-761X (online) DOI: 10.2495/SDP-V15-N1-81- 94

  • Tadi M., Biraghi C., (2019). Development and implementation of a quantitative multi-metrics methodology to characterize urban Permeability. ACE 2019 conference proceedings (Print ISSN: 2301-394X, E-Periodical ISSN: 2301-3958). 5d1280e53f4fd

  • Tadi M., Biraghi C., Hadi Mohammad Z., (2019). Urban low carbon energy transition: The new Porto di Mare Eco-district in Milan based on IMM methodology.  URBANISTICA 160 ISSN 0042- 1022. Rome Italy, INU Edizioni Srl.

  • Tadi M., Biraghi C., Zadeh M. H., (2019). Urban low carbon energy transition: The new Porto di Mare Eco-district in Milan based on IMM methodology. URBANISTICA 160 ISSN 0042- 1022. Rome Italy, INU Edizioni Srl. urbanistica-luglio-dicembre-2017

  • Massimo Tadi, Dushko Bogunovich. (2018) Low density, urban morphology and energy performances optimization; A new pilot project in Auckland via IMM. UNITEC-press. Auckland, New Zealand. ISBN code 978-1-927214-18-3

  • Arcidiacono A., Becciu G., Causone F., Colucci A., Grosso M., Masera G., Mambretti S., Zadeh M. H., Tadi M. (2018). Compendium of Inspiring Practices: Health Edition. International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning. UN-Habitat, United Nations Human Settlements Programme. UNON, Publishing Services Section, Nairobi. HS/080/18E guidelines-on-urban-and-territorial-planning/

  • Biraghi C., Zadeh M. H., Tadi M. (2017). Urban transition, a new Pilot Eco-district in Porto di Marea area (Milan) via IMM methodology. In: UN FUTURO AFFIDABILE PER LA CITTÀ Apertura al cambiamento e rischio accettabile nel governo del territorio. p. 171-180, Planum Publisher, ISBN: 9788899237097, Triennale di Milano, Milano, 18 – 21 November 2017.

  • Arcidiacono, A., Causone, F., Grosso, M., Masera, G., Tadi, M., Zadeh M. H., (2017) Environmental Performance and Social Inclusion: a Project for the Rocinha Favela in Rio de Janeiro.  Energy Procedia, Volume 134, Elsevier. ISSN 1876-6102,

  • Tadi, M., Brioschi L., M., Zadeh M. H., M. H., Biraghi, C. A. (2018). Urban Porosity. A morphological Key Category for the optimization of the CAS’s environmental and energy performance. GSTF JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, vol. 4, p. 138-146, ISSN: 2251-3701, doi: 10.5176/2251-3701_4.3.215

  • Tadi, M., Masera, G., Causone F., Grosso M., Arcidiacono A., Zadeh M. H., (2017). Environmental Performance and Social Inclusion: a Project for the Rocinha Favela in Rio de Janeiro. ENERGY PROCEDIA, vol. 134, p. 356-365, ISSN: 1876-6102, doi: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.09.546

  • Tadi M., Vahabzadeh, C., M., Zadeh M. H., (2017). Urban Morphology, Environmental Performances, and Energy Use: Neighborhood transformation in Rio de Janeiro via IMM. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY, vol. 5, p. 1-7, ISSN: 2168-9717, doi: 10.4172/2168-9717.1000180

  • Tadi, M, Bogunovich, D. (2017). New Lynn – Auckland IMM Case Study: Low-density urban morphology and energy performance optimisation. Auckland, New Zealand. Retrieved from

  • Tadi M, Vahabzadeh Manesh SH, Zadeh M., Gori G., (2016) Urban Morphology, Environmental Performances, and Energy Use: Neighborhood transformation in Rio de Janeiro via IMM. Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology  5: 180. doi: 10.4172/2168-9717.1000180

  • M.Tadi, M., Zadeh M. H., V.Ciric, R.Colic, M.Maruna, I.Simic, L.Stefanovic, , (2016) Urban Morphology, Environmental Performances & Energy Use: A Holistic Transformation Approach Applied to Block 39 in Belgrade (Serbia) Via IMM. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES). ISSN (Online): 2320-9364, ISSN (Print): 2320-9356 Volume 4 Issue 11 ǁ November. 2016 ǁ PP.80-86

  • M. Tadi, Vahabzadeh Manesh, M., Zadeh M. H., F. Zaniol, (2015) Urban Morphology, Environmental Performances and Social Inclusion via IMM. The case study of Porto Maravilha in Rio de Janeiro. GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET) Vol.3 No.3 (Print ISSN: 2251- 3701, E-periodical: 2251-371X)

  • M. Tadi, Vahabzadeh Manesh, M., Zadeh M. H., F. Zaniol, (2015) Urban Morphology, Environmental Performances and Social Inclusion via IMM The case study of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. published on the ACE 2015 Conference Proceedings. Singapore. Print ISSN: 2301-394X, E-Periodical ISSN: 2301-3958

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh (2014) Multidisciplinary Design & Projects. (IMM) and multidisciplinary approaches. The Designer Achitectural Magazine Vol10. IRAN. ISSN 2008-9538.

  • M. Tadi, M., Zadeh M. H., (2014) Neighborhood Design and Urban Morphological Transformation through Integrated Modification Methodology (IMM) part 3. The Designer Achitectural Magazine Vol10. IRAN. ISSN 2008-9538.

  • G. Lobaccaro, D. Palazzo, M. Tadi, A. Wyckmans (2014) Green design strategies for urban heat island mitigation in a solar optimized access Eixample via IMM® methodology". WSB (World Sustainable Buildings) 2014 Conference Documentation ISBN: 978-84-697-1815-5.

  • M. Tadi, Vahabzadeh Manesh, S, (2014) Transformation of an urban complex system into a more sustainable form via integrated modification methodology (I.M.M). The International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Volume 9, Number 4, 2014 (WIT press Southampton, UK) ISSN: 1743-761x (online) and ISSN: 1743-7601 (paper format)

  • M. Tadi, Shahrooz Vahabzadeh, (2014) Neighborhood Design and Urban Morphological Transformation through Integrated Modification Methodology (IMM) part 2. The Designer Achitectural Magazine Vol.9. IRAN. ISSN 2008-9538.

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, M. Hadi Mohammad Zadeh,  (2014). Investigation of Urban Form and Environmental Performances via IMM methodology: The case of Tehran, Iran. Hybridization between Form and Energy. The Hybrid_Link #03. Italy  ISSN 2039-4608

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, M. Hadi Mohammad Zadeh, A. Naraghi, (2014). Environmental and energy performances optimization of a neighborhood in Tehran, via IMM methodology. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT). ISSN No: 2319- 5967. Volume 3,Issue 1,January 2014.

  • M. Tadi, Shahrooz Vahabzadeh, (2013) Neighborhood Design and Urban Morphological Transformation through Integrated Modification Methodology (IMM) part 1. The Designer Achitectural Magazine Vol.8. IRAN ISSN 2008-9538.

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, G. Lobaccaro, (2013) Neighbourhood Transformation via Multiscale Urban Optimization. (gstf) Journal of Engineering Technology, edited by The Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF). Singapore 079903DOI: 10.5176/2251-3701_2.1.34, ISSN: 2251-3701.

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, A.Daysh, G. Kahraman, I. Ursu (2013) The case study of Timisoara (Romania). IMM design for a more sustainable, livable and responsible city. AST Management Pty Ltd, Nerang, QLD, Australia. ISBN code n. 9781922232021

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, (2013) Integrated Modification Methodology (I.M.M). A phasing process for sustainable Urban Design. WASET Conference Proceeding. Urban Design Issue 73 of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN 2010-376X, e ISSN 2010-3778, pp 1207-1213.

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, (2013) Sustainable Morphological Transformation via Integrated Modification Methodology (I.M.M) The case study of Surfers Paradise district of Gold Coast city, Australia ACE 2013 Conference, Singapore, The Conference Proceedings (Print ISSN: 2301- 394X, E-Periodical ISSN: 2301-3958).

  • M. Tadi, Vahabzadeh Manesh, (2013) Sustainable urban morphology for a greener city. Strategy applied for a sustainable oriented urban design. On Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal. 2012. By CGP Common Ground Publishing University of Illinois Research Park, 2001 South First St, Suite 202 Champaign, IL, 61820, USA

  • M. Tadi, Vahabzadeh Manesh, (2013) A. Behfar, M.M. Riyahi Alam, R. Shahmoradi, Optimizing energy performance of a neighborhood via IMM methodology: Case Study of Barcelona, International journal of energy and environment. Edited by the North Atlantic University Union. ISSN: 2308-1007 Volume 7. USA

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, (2012) Urban Morphological Transformation Via Urban Constituent Optimization: A Sustainable Neighborhood Design Based On Integrative Modification Methodology. in Proceeding of the International Conference on Green Building and Optimization on Green Buildings and Optimization, GBOD 2012, Shenyang, China. ASME Press, ISBN 978-0- 7918-6013-7 pp. 387-396

  • S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, M. Tadi, and F. Zanni, (2012) Integrated Sustainable Urban Design: Neighbourhood design proceeded by sustainable urban morphology emergence, WIT Press Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, UK. Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, 2012, vol. Vol.155.

  • M. Tadi, Vahabzadeh Manesh, S, (2012) Transformation of an urban complex system into a more sustainable form via integrated modification methodology (I.M.M). The International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning by: WIT Press Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, UK.

  • M. Tadi, (2012) Is just a question of form? Energy Environment,.... in UH Urban Hybridization, Polithecnica Maggioli Editori, Italy.

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, (2012), Sustainable urban morphology for a greener city: An integrated approach for the energy-efficiency of neighbourhood, GreenAge Symposium, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul (Turkey)

  • S. Bassanese, A. Espanyol, B. Rodighiero, M. Tadi (2012) “Build our Nation international project: An innovative Educational model for System Thinking in Design”. At 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia (Spain). Published by INTED2012. Isbn code 9788461555635

  • M. Tadi, S. Vahabzadeh Manesh, (2011) Sustainable urban morphology emergence via Complex Adaptive Sysem analysis, Procedia Engineering, vol. 21, pp. 89-97, pp. 15–64.